Saturday, July 27, 2024

Project AIM works & Major Development Plan (MDP) 

Archerfield Airport Corporation (AAC) is now preparing to implement Archerfield Airport Project AIM: Airside Infrastructure Modernisation (Project AIM).  This project brings together various airside infrastructure improvements as foreshadowed in the Master Plan 2017-37 (available here) and previous master plans since 2000. 

In order to cater for the existing and anticipated future aircraft mix, and to continue to play a supportive role to Brisbane Airport, it is important the existing and ageing infrastructure at Archerfield Airport is improved and modernised. The prime objective of Project AIM is to do just that.

The project will comprise alterations to the main runway and the upgrading of associated taxiways and other associated infrastructure including lighting and visual aids, to enhance and modernise facilities for existing aircraft operations. It will also provide further opportunities to attract and host additional aviation and aviation compatible businesses at Archerfield Airport.

The works associated with the lengthening of the main runway require approval of a Major Development Plan (MDP) under the Airports Act 1996 (Act). The works subject to MDP approval are illustrated in Figure 6 of the Project AIM MDP document (available for download to the right of this page). Other complementary works, such as strengthening of the main runway and alterations to taxiways and apron areas (Figure 7), are not part of the MDP process.

In accordance with the Act, a preliminary draft Major Development Plan for the extension of the airport's main runway was open for public comment from 5th December 2018 through to 14th March 2019. A draft Major Development Plan was then submitted to the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development taking into account all submissions. A number of changes were incorporated into the draft MDP as a result of submissions, included the following:

  • The taxiway works were expanded to include construction of a new stub taxiway (A11 – to Code A and MTOW of 5,700kg) between the southern end of B1 and Taxiway Alpha, to facilitate efficient aircraft taxiing across the main runway. The drawings showing the proposed works were updated to show the additional taxiway stub A11. Section 5.1 (description of works) and 5.4.2 (discussion about the taxiway works) were also updated to include A11;
  • The references to South East Queensland Regional Plan (ShapingSEQ) were updated to the latest version; and
  • The discussion on PSAs in section 5.10 was updated to clarify the implications of the Project for the current PSAs and the process that will be followed to implement any changes that might be required to the current SPP mapping.

The draft MDP was approved by the Minister on 17th June 2019.   AAC would like to thank those who were involved throughout the process and also to those who made submissions on the future of Archerfield Airport. 

AAC is currently investigating financially viable construction methods and staging options that seek to reduce the time period required for the complete closure of the main runway.  AAC is also in the process of seeking funding for various aspects of the Project AIM works.  The outcomes of these investigations will determine the extent and timing of the various construction components that make up Project AIM. In the interim, AAC will continue to liaise with CASA, Airservices Australia and local operators on operational aspects of the works.


The Project AIM document,  incorporating the final MDP, is available for download to the right of this page.  

Alternatively, copies can be viewed or purchased from the AAC offices during normal business hours (8:30am-4:30pm Mon-Fri):

Top Floor Terminal Building,
Grenier Drive, Archerfield Airport Qld 4108
ph (07) 3275 8000


A summary of key aspects of the Project AIM MDP document can be downloaded here

A copy of the associated media release regarding the MDP can be downloaded from here.



Further information regarding Airport Planning can be found on the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities' website here.

AAC operates the Archerfield Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group (AACACG) which meets three times a year to discuss matters affecting Archerfield Airport and the broader community. AAC provides information to this group regarding forthcoming plans for the future of the airport. Further information regarding the AACACG, and minutes of previous meetings, can be found by clicking here.

Stakeholders wishing to be kept informed of upcoming developments and MDP announcements are encouraged to subscribe to the AAC e-newsletter by phoning (07) 3275 8000 or entering their email details in the green box on the following page.


Project AIM & MDP

The Project AIM document, incorporating the MDP, can be downloaded by clicking on the thumbnail image below:












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