Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Master Plan - 2011

Fact Sheets & Technical Papers relating to the Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2011-31

AAC spent considerable time researching historical data to ensure the Airport is developed to its full potential over the course of the 20 year plan and beyond. A number of technical papers were written by experts in the aviation field, forming the basis of the planning decisions presented for public consultation in the Preliminary Draft Master Plan. In particular, the proposal to realign and relocate the grass runways. This proposal will improve the safety of flight training operations by bringing the grass runways up to ICAO standards, increasing their usability by moving them away from low lying, flood-prone areas and providing additional opportunities for aviation developments. 

A number of fact sheets were compiled to summarise the technical papers and to provide background information on the current and future expected operating conditions. These fact sheets, along with their associated technical papers, can be viewed and/or downloaded from the links below and should be read in conjunction with the Master Plan 2011-31 (available to the right of this page). The papers below have been designed to be read in sequential order.

 Fact Sheets

Associated Technical Papers



The Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, the Hon Anthony Albanese MP, approved the 20-year Archerfield Airport Master Plan 2011-31 on 24th May 2012.


Key features:


  • In line with previous Archerfield Airport Master Plans, the 2011-31 Plan continues to make provisions for the introduction of Regular Passenger Transport (RPT) services should the community want them in the future. It is anticipated that aircraft capable of carrying up to 80 passengers may operate from the airport up to 24 times per day (12 arrivals and 12 departures). Likely future RPT flight paths can be found on figures 5 and 6 in Part 1 of the Plan.
  • The Master Plan makes provision for the realignment of the grass runways, moving them away from low lying, flood-prone areas and improving the airport’s capability to provide world-class training facilities and safer training operations. These works are anticipated to occur over the coming five years and will require further consultation with potentially affected stakeholders before Ministerial approval is sought and works begin. In the event the Minister approves the runway realignment, most of the land along Beatty and Mortimer Roads that is currently zoned General Industry will be rezoned to Special Purpose Centre SP-6 (Airport) zoning following the completion of works. This will provide existing aviation tenants with security of tenure, whilst allocating an additional five hectares of land, on top of the current SP-6 zoning total, for long-term aviation uses only.
  • The Plan also makes provisions for modern facilities to cater for the anticipated future growth of aviation within South East Queensland and to provide opportunities for warehouse, logistics and manufacturing businesses to relocate their operations to the heart of Brisbane’s much sought after South West Industrial Gateway.
  • Options for improvements to surrounding roads (including the possibility of linking Boundary Rd via construction of a tunnel under the grass runways), noise issues, airport protection and potential precinct layouts have also been canvassed within the Plan.



The approved Master Plan 2011-31 and Airport Environment Strategy 2011-16 are available for download to the right of this page.



AAC operates the Archerfield Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group (AACACG) which meets three times a year to discuss matters affecting Archerfield Airport and the broader community. AAC provides information to this group regarding forthcoming plans for the future of the airport. Further information regarding the AACACG, and minutes of previous meetings, can be found by clicking here.


Further information regarding Airport Planning can be found on the Department of Infrastructure and Transport's website here.

Draft Master Plan 2011-31

The Preliminary Draft Master Plan 2011-31 (pdMP), incorporating the Preliminary Draft Airport Environment Strategy 2011-16, was open for public comment beginning 15th December 2010 and concluded on 18th March 2011.

Archerfield Airport Corporation received over 1000 responses during and immediately following the exhibition period. The Corporation took all submissions into account in formulating the Draft Master Plan and Environment Strategy which was submitted for the assessment and approval of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport.

The following issues were consistent throughout the local community feedback. Responses to each of these issues and changes to the Draft Master Plan (dMP) as a result of these, can be viewed by clicking on the link to the relevant issue.

In addition to the issues above, the dMP also clarified a number of technical details in the Plan, including (but not limited to): numbering of the proposed realigned runways; the location of aviation infrastructure; a commitment by AAC to formulate an appropriate infrastructure agreement with BCC addressing impacts of on-airport developments; identification of potential future improvements to navigational aids; location of proposed bicyle/pedestrian paths and contact details for noise complaints. 

Further material that was availlable during the consultation period can be accessed via the articles below.

Master Plan 2011-31

Part 1: Context, vision and plans for the future


Master Plan Part 1 thumbnail

High resolution (34Mb)



MasterPlan Part1 thumbnail

Low resolution (12Mb)



Part 2: Environment Strategy 2011-16


Master Plan Part 2 thumbnail
