Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Archerfield Airport Corporation (AAC) has a responsibility for aircraft whilst on the ground and has no control of flight paths or aircraft once they become airborne. Due to the nature of operations on any airport, there will always be some noise emanating from the site. Archerfield Airport however, is fortunate that it is located in a mainly industrial area. To ensure noise levels are kept to a minimum wherever possible for neighbouring properties, AAC places restrictions on locations where certain activities are permitted to occur.

Helicopters are directed to pod Tango for run-up, jet engine testing is only permitted at the run-up bay to 10L, and truck based dynamic engine test beds are in dry weather directed to pod Tango and in wet weather to the threshold of Runway 04R. These restrictions allow the necessary activity expected at a major secondary airport to continue without affecting the surrounding community.


Noise Enquiries and Complaints

Airservices Australia handles issues related to aircraft noise during flight.

There are a number of ways you can lodge a complaint or make an inquiry with Airservices Australia:

  • directly via WebTrak
  • using the online form. To access the online complaint form from a hand-held device (for example, a smart phone), hold down on the link and select the option to open the form in a new page
  • by telephoning 1800 802 584 (freecall) or 1300 302 240. The hotline is staffed Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays, from 9 am-5 pm Sydney time
  • by fax (02) 9556 6641 or
  • by mail, Noise Complaints and Information Service, PO Box 211, Mascot NSW 1460.

Further information about lodging complaints and queries is available on Airservices Australia’s website: http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aircraftnoise/about-making-a-complaint/how-to-make-a-complaint/

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from Airservices Australia, you can lodge a complaint with the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman by clicking here. 

Further information regarding aircraft related noise can be found on the Airservices Australia website here.

Webtrak can also be used to view actual flight paths of aircraft that have recently departed or arrived at Archerfield Airport, including their heights at specific locations. This information can then be used to lodge a noise complaint if desired. Webtrak can be accessed by clicking here.




Archerfield Airport ANEF (Australian Noise Exposure Forecast)

Archerfield Airport Corporation (AAC) is required to develop an Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) for the airport under Commonwealth legislation which is then assessed and approved by Airservices Australia. The objective of ANEF’s is to give an indication of predicted noise levels over a given period of time and to prevent incompatible development occurring in the vicinity of an airport which might ultimately impact on the development and/or affect its viability. It is based on the Australian Standard AS 2021-2000 Acoustics-Aircraft noise intrusion-Building siting and construction.

AAC has prepared an ANEF based on Practical Capacity movements which represents a worst possible case scenario. The ANEF for Archerfield Airport was approved by Airservices Australia on 6th August 2010.

The ANEF, along with other information relevant to developments within the vicinity of the airport, can be downloaded from this webpage.


Regular Passenger Transport (RPT) 

In line with previous Archerfield Airport Master Plans, the 2011-31 Plan continues to make provisions for the introduction of RPT services should the community want them in the future. Further information regarding RPT and noise issues relating to the future planning of the airport, including likely RPT flight paths, can be found on the Master Plan 2011-31 page.

Technical papers and Fact sheets regarding current operating procedures, noise contours and flight paths that were developed for the Preliminary Draft Master Plan can be found here.


Archerfield Airport Fly Neighbourly

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