Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Off-Airport Development

When considering developments or activities (within a 15 kilometre radius) in the vicinity of the airport, Archerfield Airport Corporation (AAC), as the airport operator, encourages you to review the list below and the accompanying information located here to determine whether your proposal is likely to have an adverse impact on airport operations and future airport development. The types of development or proposed activities in the list below could be an issue in relation to the continued safe and efficient operation of Archerfield Airport.

Will your proposed development or activity involve?

  • Erection/creation of tall buildings, structures or things
  • Use of cranes
  • Use of tall road vehicles
  • Provision of leisure activities which utilise airspace
  • Emission of high velocity gaseous effluxes/plumes
  • An increase in the number of people living, working or congregating at the ends of the main runway
  • The presence of hazardous materials at the ends of the main runway
  • Use of bright lights
  • Inclusion of reflective surfaces
  • Exposure of people to undesirable levels of aircraft noise
  • Creation of dust, smoke or other particulate matter
  • Deposit/dumping of waste foodstuffs or creation of other bird attractions
  • Placement of objects in very close proximity to the airport’s security fence
  • Conflict with the Approved Master Plan for future airport development

Could your development cause?

  • Wind shear and/or wind turbulence
  • Interference with air traffic controllers’ line of sight


- To view the Obstacle Limitation Surface of Archerfield Airport, please click here.

- To view the latest Airservices Australia endorsed Australian Noise Exposure Forecast (ANEF) for Archerfield Airport, please click here.


If you are uncertain about the likely impacts of your proposal, we would welcome an opportunity to discuss it with you if there are issues to be resolved. Please contact us on (07) 3275 8000.

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