Saturday, July 27, 2024

Community Consultation

Archerfield Airport Corporation operates the Archerfield Airport Community Aviation Consultation Group (AACACG) which meets three times a year to discuss any matters affecting Archerfield Airport. 

Community bodies and Government agencies provide information to the group on issues and policies that may affect future operations of Archerfield Airport.

Issues regarding aircraft noise management and flight paths are able to be discussed and suggestions made to the responsible authorities, CASA and Airservices Australia, regarding noise abatement procedures and safety measures where these are applicable.

The AACACG acts as a forum so that key participants in the operation of Archerfield Airport and representatives of communities surrounding Archerfield airport can understand each other’s activities and concerns.

The Group has an independent Chair and comprises the following:

  • Archerfield Airport Corporation (AAC)
  • Key participants from Aviation Industry
  • Community Representatives
  • Permanently Invited Guests of the CACG

The CACG terms of reference have regard to various issues and concerns of the community at large and airport tenants regarding the operation of the airport.  The Terms of Reference may be downloaded via the link below.

Individual members of the group may raise issues that affect them and can be actioned within their area of authority.  AAC provides information from time to time regarding forthcoming plans for the future of the airport.



The Terms of Reference for the AACACG can be found here

If you have any queries or concerns regarding the AACACG, the independent Chair can be contacted here

Information regarding the airport's Master Plan can be found here

Further information regarding Airport Planning can be found on the Department of Infrastructure and Transport's website here

If you have any queries regarding noise issues, or would like to lodge a noise complaint, further information can be found here


CACG Meeting Dates

Wed - 19 June 2024

Wed - 20 November 2024


Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the CACG's meetings are published below:

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